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Dall'autobiografia di Quincy Jones... [MJ related]

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    Post: 13.059
    Registrato il: 06/01/2002
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    Off The Wall Fan
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    00 12/10/2007 18:44
    Si parla di Michael
    Una fan marnifrances stà postando alcuni estratti dall'autobiografia di Quincy Jones dove parla di Michael.

    Questi i primi due:

    We did another album together, "Bad", which sold 25 million copies. At this point, Steve Ross and I had joined forces in a multimedia company- always my dream- ... It was time to move on. In addition, key members of Michael's entourage, including his attorney, were whispering in his ear that I'd been getting too much credit. His brother Jackie Jackson told CBS-TV interviewer Les Edwards that I had wanted to take "Billie Jean" off the album. Pleeze! After every hit record Michael and I made, he and his brothers would go into the studio to make a follow-up album of their own. Reportedly his father, Joe, said "Quancy ain't no damn producer. I know a producer who coulda made that record for twenty-five thousand."

    Michael was like a member of my family, a surrogate son. He spent many hours with my daughter Kidada, who was a precocious child of eight at the time. They adored each other and totally communicated despite the age difference (he was twenty then). Her mother once found a phone bill showing that Kidada made ninety-one long distance calls to Michael in a single month. She played the telephone like Herbie Hancock plays the keyboards. These days. I'm sorry to say, I don't see Michael as much as I'd like to; both of our lives have changed dramatically. But as long as I live he'll always be a big part of my soul and memories and my heart and arms will always be open to him. The eighties were as good as it gets. To this day no one has ever done it bigger and broader than Smelly. I thank god for ever minute (with as much modesty as you can muster up for 50 million copies).


    By then it was clear- at least to some of us- that rap had made its mark in our culture. It was out newest baby and it was here to stay.

    there were plenty of doubters about the music's staying power. When we made "Bad" in 1987, I wanted to put an anticrack song on one side with Run-DMC and Michael. The group showed up at Westlake Studios several times, ready to jam, but Smelly was sceptical of rap as an option for a couple of the album's cuts and he wasn't the only one. Snoopy never budged from his rock-steady conviction that rap would rule for quite some time.

    Traduco sommariamente:

    Con Bad avevano delle attrezzature migliori visto il successo ottenuto con il precedente album. Dice che il fratello di Michael Jackie disse alla CBS durante un'intervista che Quincy voleva togliere Billie Jean dall'album! Ovviamente non era vero.
    Quincy chiama Michael "Smelly" per via del fatto che "puzza". E' risaputo che quando lavora in studio Michael si lava poco.
    Dice che al tempo era molto legato a sua figlia che aveva solo 8anni. Si adoravano reciprocamente nonostante Michael avesse più di 20. Dice che un giorno sua moglie scopre una bolletta del telefono salatissima, perchè la figlia passava ore a parlare con Michael. Oggi le loro strade (tra quincy e mj) si sono divise e non riesce più a vedere Michael come una volta con molto dispiacere, ma sarà sempre bene accolto il giorno in cui si ritrovassero e che Michael è una persona che gli è rimasta nel cuore. Quincy considera Michael quasi come un figlio.

    Nel secondo pezzo parla di quando voleva far cantare Michael con i RUNDMC il brano 'Crack kills. Dice che tutti si erano resi conto che il rap stava prendendo una buona direzione e Quincy voleva che Michael inserisse nell'album Bad un brano appunto con delle parti rap. Michael non era convinto e la cosa non si realizzò mai.
    [Modificato da dangerousbadgirl 12/10/2007 18:48]

    Post: 1.121
    Registrato il: 31/10/2006
    Sesso: Maschile
    HIStory Fan
    00 12/10/2007 18:51
    grazie vale!!
    non esiste una sola persona che non parli bene di michael, se lo conosce un minimo. QUALCOSA VORRà PUR DIRE!!
    [Modificato da .maletta. 12/10/2007 18:51]

    Post: 84
    Registrato il: 01/10/2007
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    Visionary Fan
    00 12/10/2007 19:00
    Grazie per l'articolo,ma soprattutto per la traduzione!

  • fabiojackson90
    00 12/10/2007 20:45
    grazie!(traduzione e articolo)
    Mr Dadojacko
    Post: 9
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    This Is It Fan
    00 12/10/2007 23:55
    Puzza???!!! ahahahahah
    woman in the mirror
    Post: 1.650
    Registrato il: 21/04/2006
    Sesso: Femminile
    Dangerous Fan
    00 13/10/2007 01:26
    Grazie. Interesting!!
    Bello il mio smelly!! [SM=x47928] [SM=x47979]

    Post: 13.060
    Registrato il: 06/01/2002
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    Off The Wall Fan
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    00 13/10/2007 12:36
    Io "smelly" l'ho tradotto con "puzzolo", visto che gli piace Bianca Neve e i Sette nani, credo che sia perfetto [SM=x47954]

    Post: 1.812
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    Dangerous Fan
    00 13/10/2007 13:02

    Post: 13.061
    Registrato il: 06/01/2002
    Sesso: Femminile
    Off The Wall Fan
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    00 13/10/2007 13:11
    Qui c'è il pezzo dove si parla di We are the world, subito sotto trovate la traduzione sommaria di quello che c'è scritto:

    We were trying to figure out who should write the song. first they said "Maybe Stevie Wonder and Lionel Richie could write it". I said, "No. Stevie's the best, but don't bother him - he's in the middle of making a record." I suggested to Lionel that he ask Michael to do it with him. In those days Michael would like nothing better than to sit around and write, so those two took it on.

    Two weeks before the session, I started calling Michael's house to listen to what they came up with, and sure enough he and Lionel were there hangin', sitting around talking about Motown and old times. I said, "My dear brothers, we have forty-six stars coming in less than three weeks and we need a damn song." Lionel came up with something first. He played a cassette with the melody on the title lines for Michael. Michael locked himself in his house for a couple of days and finished the rest. the lyrics were written by the two of them.

    We needed a demo on the song "like yesterday". After recording the basic instrumental track, we'd have Lionel, Stevie and Smelly do "guide" vocals to teach the other artists the melody and lyrics in preparation for the main session. We were sitting in my den listening to the demo and Lionel said, "Q, I'm not sure about that minor part yet." I said, "I think the minor part is perfect, Skeet. It's a great contrast to the chorus. You both brought it home- it's just what we needed." Then we called Michael, who suggested that he and Lionel sing the leads, and everyone else sing the background.

    Right! That would have really gone over great. I could just see Bruce Springsteen and Tina Turner and Ray Charles and Diana Ross and all the others singing in the background. Forget it. But Michael was serious. I had to talk him out of it. He asked Lionel to convince me. But forty-four other divas when they have to be don't play that sh**. They were coming there to do something unselfish collectively for the benefit of starving people in Africa. We did change one line in the demo to avoid any implication of suicide: "There's a chance we're taking, we're taking our own lives" to "There's a choice we're making, we're saving our own lives."

    We had forty-six stars coming.... forty-six fiercely independent nations. If concerned, any one of them could take your skin off layer by layer. If I hadn't worked individually with over half of these singers before, there was no way I would have even considered doing this. Tommy Bahler... got records of each of the artists in order to pin point everyone's range.

    We planned the session like the Invasion of Normandy at Lionel and Brenda's house the night before the recording... Collectively [with Humberto Gatica, Ken Kragen, Tommy Bahler and Marty Rogel] we decided to mark the spots on the floor where everyone would be standing. We didn't want to encourage decision making during the session. Any decision. Where they would stand, what they would sing, when they would sing it- we had to think it through and spell it out... I had the sign put on the door that said, "Check your egos at the door".

    January 28, 1985, the day of the session, we were scheduled to start at the A & M studio at 10pm. After the American Music Awards downtown, at 9pm a bunch of limos full of singers and security guards pulled up... They were on the case: everybody was really on a mission, ready to get busy.

    When we walked into the studio we felt our first brush with divinity that night. We needed to put down a lead vocal on the first chorus as a guide. Sure enough, as planned, Smelly was standing at the mike, earphones on, ready to hit it, at ten o'clock. As we proceeded to put his voice on the first chorus, and then stack it- which means double it, to double it with himself- I knew this was going to be a special evening.

    Si stavano domandano chi avrebbe potuto scrivere la canzone (we are the world). Fu suggerito Steve Wonder, ma Quincy disse di no perchè era nel bel mezzo della registazione del suo album così suggerì lui stesso Lionel Richie che a sua volta chiese a Michael di collaborare.

    Due settimane prima della session Quincy ha chiamato casa di Michael per sapere a che punto erano con la canzone. Era sicuro che i due stessero chiaccerano dei vecchi tempi passati alla Motown. Quincy racconta di aver detto "miei cari fratelli, ci saranno 46 stars tra meno di tre settimane ed abbiamo bisogno di una maledetta canzone". Lionel fu il primo a fare qualcosa. Aveva registrato la melodia e passato il tutto a Michael che si è chiuso in casa e nel giro di un paio di giorni ha finito di arrangiare il resto. Il testo è stato scritto da entrambi.

    Dopo aver registrato la parte strumentale, avevano bisogno di Lionel, Stevie e Puzzolo per guidare vocalmente ed insegnare agli altri artisti la melodia e le parole come preparazione alla session. Lionel non era convinto di alcuni punti, ma a Quincy la canzone piaceva molto. Alla fine Lionel e Michael suggerirono di cantare loro le parti principali e di lasciar cantare tutti gli altri nel coro.

    L'idea ovviamente era assurda eppure Michael sembrava serio. Aveva chiesto anche a Lionel di convincere Quincy e lui fu costretto a parlarne più volte con Michael dell'impossibilità della cosa.
    Parla anche di come hanno cambiato delle frasi per non farle sembrare ideali di suicidio. (sempre se ho capito bene ndDBG)

    Ricorda le prove a casa di Lionel Richie la sera prima della registrazione, come l'invasione della Normadia. Erano 46 stars proveniente da tutto il mondo. Hanno segnato sul pavimento i punti dove ognuno si sarebbe collocato mentre cantava. I posti non furono imposti, ognuo si mise dove preferiva. Inoltre prima di iniziare Quincy disse a tutti "lasciate il vostro ego fuori dalla porta".

    La registrazione iniziò il 28 Gennaio del 1985 agli A&M studio, alle 22 dopo che molte delle star tornava dagli American Music Awards.
    Michael fu messo a capo per aiutare gli altri a fare il primo coro, così cantò come voce guida. Quincy sapeva che quella sarebbe stata una notte speciale per tutti.
    [Modificato da dangerousbadgirl 13/10/2007 13:12]

    Post: 6.081
    Registrato il: 03/06/2005
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    Bad Fan
    00 13/10/2007 13:12
    grazie per l'articolo.
    Michael che si laverebbe poco... mi risulta difficile.
    Ma perché la bolletta arrivava cara alla figlia di Quincy se molto probabilmente chiamava Michael? Bella la frase in cui dice che Michael per lui è come un figlio e credo che chiunque lo possa confermare.

    peccato che per questo nuovo album tanto atteso non abbiamo mai sentito nemmeno il rumor di una nuova collaborazione con Quincy... si sarebbe tornato alle origini.