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Michael and the VMA mix-up.

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    Post: 814
    Registrato il: 08/01/2002
    Città: TERNI
    Età: 44
    Sesso: Maschile
    HIStory Fan
    00 01/09/2002 15:57
    News reports from around the world recently have stated that when, on Thursday, Britney Spears introduced Michael on stage calling him the "artist of the millennium", she didn't mean he was actually winning that award.
    In early reports from MTV, they stated that Michael indeed won the Artist of the Millennium award, and on highlights shows actually captioned him as the winner of the award. Also, Sugar Rose, an "insider" as people "in the know" are called said that he could be receiving an award. But all of these MTV reports have now been corrected, saying he was presented with a birthday cake - and not the award, making Michael look like a fool.

    If this was not an award, why was there an a shiny treble clef with a bow around it looking like an award statue, separate from the cake, and in front of where Michael would be speaking? Why did Michael have an award speech ready? And why did MTV claim it was an award for so long, before suddenly changing their mind? Michael is intelligent, and certainly wouldn't have fallen for a trick like this seems to be. Why make Michael come on just for a cake? It seems rather stupid. What would he say?

    In this site's opinion, Michael DID win the Artist of the Millennium award - and it looks as though there has been a fix up to make Michael look the fool. No further reports will be posted on this matter unless there is actually something constructive in them which doesn't say "Wacko Jacko makes a boob and embarasses himself".

    Post: 298
    Registrato il: 03/03/2002
    Sesso: Maschile
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    Number Ones Fan
    00 01/09/2002 16:03
    Si giustisssimo
    Fi guratevi se ad mj gli avessero detto ke vinceva un premio per il suo comleannno ...mj avrebbe mandato sicuramente mtv a fanculo..invece...
    Post: 818
    Registrato il: 08/01/2002
    Città: TERNI
    Età: 44
    Sesso: Maschile
    HIStory Fan
    00 01/09/2002 16:07
    Post: 301
    Registrato il: 03/03/2002
    Sesso: Maschile
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    Number Ones Fan
    00 01/09/2002 16:29
    Kissa mj come sarà incazzato adesso!!!!!:GRR:

    Post: 824
    Registrato il: 08/01/2002
    Città: TERNI
    Età: 44
    Sesso: Maschile
    HIStory Fan
    00 01/09/2002 20:12
    ki lo sa?[SM=x47940]
    Post: 195
    Registrato il: 15/01/2002
    Città: NAPOLI
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    The Essential Fan
    00 01/09/2002 22:00

    Già,sarà molto incavolato!Speriamo che abbia davvero qualcuno vicino che lo distrai...pensavo tra me e me,MJ che fa l'amore:

    ih-ih,uh-uh, e nel momento clou, AAAAAAUUUUUUUUU........

    :rotfl: :rotfl: :p

    Post: 522
    Registrato il:
    Sesso: Maschile
    Invincible Fan
    00 02/09/2002 00:35
    ma dai!!!!!

    cmq son sempre premi fanatasmi legati al suo passato!

    invece vedi se veniisse premiato perche il suo album sta facendo successo!!!!!

    ti MJ torna e dimostra coi FATTI qanto vali(noi nn è abbiamo nessun dubbio)cosi da mettere a tacere tutte qeste voci!!!!!!+

    Post: 830
    Registrato il: 08/01/2002
    Città: TERNI
    Età: 44
    Sesso: Maschile
    HIStory Fan
    00 02/09/2002 15:08
    il suo passato è così grande ke se lo può permettere...[SM=x47919]