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Michael Jackson FanSquare Forum Dal 2001, il Forum italiano di Michael Jackson

Janet Jackson on her brother Michael Jackson's Invincible + MJ NEXT CD MID 2002

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    Post: 211
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    Sesso: Maschile
    Number Ones Fan
    00 27/08/2002 00:22
    I was reading up on this info at a westcoast rap website.
    In other news Michael Jackson fans out there might be happy to hear this:

    Jane Jackson said her brother is saving the best for his next album which will be his last album! It will be the greatest she commented.

    Janet also said that Michael told her this album Invincible is just a teaser to get his name out there and to let people know he is still doing music and hasn't retired. The next one will come out within 8 months from now which will be the best work and the greatest album he ever did.

    Much Props to Toronto Gangstar for this news!!!

    Now i dont know how valid this is, but ill say this; this website has never given false info purposely, or at all for that matter.

    I heard the exact same thing from a completley different source. I was talking to a guy who "said" he was from Sony (you never know what to believe) but he sounded very professional and sincere.

    He said that Michael released Invincible to futher his contract agreements with sony so he could be on his own.

    He said that he already has all the songs written entirely and he will produce them & everything and release them under his MJJ label.

    He said that he heard the songs and they were very eccentric and unlike anything he has ever heard. He said that MJ was planning on releasing it in mid 2002, as fast as he could record and produce the tracks.

    Michael Jackson has already started to work on his new album but I did not think much of it because Mj works constently.

    So it looks like MICHAEL has another album coming, remember he recorded 60 song and we only got 16 in INVINCIBLE, so something is up. No wonder he has been away for 4 years! THIS IS THE MASTER PLAN I WAS TALKING ABOUT FOLKS!

    Well putting all the pieces of the puzzel together may indicate that Mike really is pulling this off.
    You never know.

    [Name Source: 2DXTRM P0P007]

    mi dispiace per gli anglofoni!!!!:emm:

    Post: 364
    Registrato il: 30/01/2002
    Città: BOLOGNA
    Età: 50
    Sesso: Maschile
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    Number Ones Fan
    00 27/08/2002 00:34
    Lessi questa notizia un sacco di tempo fa...
    Effettivamente i conti tornano! Mi ero dimenticato di questa news...
    Questo significa che "Invincible" sarebbe stato realizzato utilizzando gli "scartini" dell'album che uscirà tra breve...
    Spero sia vero, perchè se quelli sono "scartini"("2000Watts", "Whatever happens" ecc ecc.) allora sarà una vera bomba nucleare!
    Però, continuo a essere dubbioso...mi sa che, se la cosa sarà ufficializzata, incominceranno i ritardi, i ritocchi, i ripensamenti, le seghe mentali...
    Uff...spero di sbagliarmi e di ascoltare il "Thriller" del terzo millennio tra pochi mesi...eppure, mi sembra improbabile...[SM=x47943]
    Post: 213
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    Sesso: Maschile
    Number Ones Fan
    00 27/08/2002 00:41
    dai nn ti disperare su con la vitaaaaaaaa

    keep the faith
