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Michael "out of control on painkillers and wine"...

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    Post: 544
    Registrato il: 08/01/2002
    Città: TERNI
    Età: 44
    Sesso: Maschile
    Invincible Fan
    00 20/08/2002 14:35
    From The Mirror: Troubled superstar Michael Jackson is hooked on drugs and booze, it is claimed.
    Worried family members reportedly flew across the US to try and help him.

    But Michael refused their pleas to get treatment - and then banned them from ever staging another emergency intervention.

    According to a source Michael said he just had an occasional glass of wine and only took painkillers when necessary. But US magazine National Enquirer claims Jacko's health may be in trouble.

    An insider said: "The family fears for Michael's life. They believe he's out of control on drugs and alcohol."

    Details of the alleged dramatic intervention with Michael have emerged recently but it was said to have happened months ago.

    The magazine said four family members, sisters Janet and Rebbie and brothers Tito and Randy, flew on a chartered jet from Los Angeles to New York to confront the star. They had received frantic calls from a senior member of Michael's staff who said he was "walking around like a zombie".

    The staff member claimed Michael was "hooked on Demerol and was drinking large amounts of wine".

    Even more alarming was that it was not the first time Michael had reportedly fallen into the clutches of the powerful narcotic.

    In 1999 it was claimed that Michael regularly hooked up to an intravenous drip that sent "doses of the prescription painkiller surging into his veins"

    A family insider confirmed back then that the performer had "been seen taking large doses of Demerol", which has potential side effects including disorientation and hallucinations.

    Doctors explained that an intravenous drip gives an addict precise control of the dosage, lessening the chances for an overdose. The insider said: "He first got hooked on painkillers in 1998 after an injury, and news of his recent relapse hit hard.

    "Michael's mother pleaded with her kids to help him. Janet chartered the plane to confront Michael in New York, where he was staying at an apartment.

    "They arrived unannounced and persuaded security to let them in.

    "Michael wasn't there and they were left sitting for more than two hours.

    "When he arrived, he was shocked to see his brothers and sisters sitting waiting for him.

    "They told him they knew he was abusing Demerol and drinking heavily.

    "They pleaded with him to get counselling before it was too late. They even offered to set the whole thing up. But Michael wouldn't hear of it.

    "Janet told Michael how his family cared about him and wanted to make sure he didn't end up like Elvis. But Michael kept telling them not to worry, that he was just fine. The family left firmly believing he was in denial and wasn't ready for any help. But they warned him they would be back."

    After the no-holds barred session, the family got reports that Michael was trying to clean up his act.

    But the insider said: "Sadly he now seems to have fallen back to his old ways and everyone is alarmed about him.

    "And he left standing orders with his staff and security that his family never be allowed into his place without an appointment.

    "Now they are living in fear he is going to turn up dead one day."

    Nine years ago, while the singer was accused of being a paedophile, he checked himself into a private hospital to help get off prescription pills.

    A business associate of the singer said: "Michael is addicted to pain pills. We are all very worried about him."

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    Sesso: Maschile
    This Is It Fan
    00 20/08/2002 15:16
    Stop filthy press...
    Do not read the tabloids.... they're insane and they don't know Michael at all!!!

    This story is false!!! Do not believe in what they're saying!!!

    Burn all them!!!

    Post: 1.033
    Registrato il: 02/01/2002
    Città: BRAONE
    Età: 43
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    HIStory Fan
    00 20/08/2002 20:48
    non possiamo creder eche la cosa sia totalemte falsa

    non è difficile credere che mj infatti non troppo raramente faccia usio di farmaci pesanti e credo che buona parte di america sia sotto demerol, farmaco che credo in europa non sia mai statoi reso legale

    ricordiamoci le cronahce di quei pochi fan che assistettero al processo di mj contro albano, riportavano che mj era evidentemente sotto effetto di trtanquillanti e che nemmeno si ricordava i titoli delle sue canzoni e in che labum erano contenute

    non credo all'alcol... ho sempre creduto che lui non bevesse, non si drogasse eccetera (se però non consideriamo droga il demerol e simili)

    penso che sia possibile che mj sia un po' sotto effetto di questi farmaci, certo non ai livelli qui descritti

    spero con tuttoil cuopre che stia bene :frown:
    Post: 550
    Registrato il: 08/01/2002
    Città: TERNI
    Età: 44
    Sesso: Maschile
    Invincible Fan
    00 21/08/2002 08:16
    :cry: :cry: :cry: