Caso Jackson: la Polizia interrogherà Lisa Marie Presley

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00mercoledì 17 marzo 2004 19:04
Dopo le dichiarazioni rilasciate alla televisione australiana (vedi news), Lisa Marie Presley, figlia di Elvis ed ex-moglie di Michael Jackson, sarà interrogata dagli agenti californiani che seguono il caso Jackson.

La decisione del procuratore Sneddon è stata presa dopo l'affermazione che Lisa Marie ha rilasciato al conduttore TV Andrew Denton: “Ho visto cose nelle quali non potevo assolutamente intervenire.
Non chiedetemi quali cose perché non risponderò”.

La Presley è attualmente in Australia per promuovere il suo disco di debutto “To Whom It May Concern” che vede la presenza di Jon Brion (Fiona Apple) alla chitarra e Matt Chamberlin (Fiona Apple) alla batteria, mentre al banco di regia si è seduto Andrew Slater (The Wallflower, Warren Zevon).

La Polizia californiana interrogherà la Presley sui 19 mesi del suo matrimonio con Jacko una volta tornata sul suolo americano.

00mercoledì 17 marzo 2004 19:21
ma ke putt*ana[SM=x47936]

00mercoledì 17 marzo 2004 19:32
Io sono ottimista!
Calma ragazzi: può darsi ke sia una cosa positiva!

Io credo ke alla fine quei due abbiano avuto una relazione molto più normale di quello che si pensi, eccentricita da divi a parte.[SM=g27811]



Checco Jackson 87
00mercoledì 17 marzo 2004 19:43
e'solo un modo per pubblicizzare il suo album di debutto!!
comunque Lisa Marie rimane sempre una gran put...[SM=x47922]

[Modificato da Checco Jackson 87 17/03/2004 19.44]

Nonna Sissi
00mercoledì 17 marzo 2004 19:57
E' proprio c****ona,
è come se uno viene da voi e vi dice:"So una cosa importantissima per te,riguardo a quella cosa che ti sta a cuore,ma non ti diro' mai nulla!!!"
Se veramente non vuole dire nulla non doveva dirlo.

Era è e sarà sempre una "meretix"[SM=x47967]
MJ King of pop
00mercoledì 17 marzo 2004 22:00

Scritto da: Checco Jackson 87 17/03/2004 19.43
e'solo un modo per pubblicizzare il suo album di debutto!!
comunque Lisa Marie rimane sempre una gran put...[SM=x47922]

[Modificato da Checco Jackson 87 17/03/2004 19.44]

vero penso anke io ke sia una bella trovata pubblicitaria!E concordo con il fatto ke se veramente voleva ke certe cose nn si sapessero,nn lo accennava nemmeno...
00mercoledì 17 marzo 2004 22:42
a me lisa marie piace !!!!!!! [SM=g27811] Penso che sarà positivo[SM=g27817]
00mercoledì 17 marzo 2004 22:46
la vedo positivamente:

se non ha niente da dire : Benissimo
Se lo ha detto per farsi pubblicità meglio ancora tanto poi SOTTO GIURAMENTO...le cose cambiano...e noi ne sappiamo qualcosa!
00mercoledì 17 marzo 2004 23:33
Lisa Marie defends Jackson after TV interview

Singer's ex-wife says she never
saw inappropriate behavior with kids

The Associated Press
Updated: 12:11 p.m. ET March 17, 2004

LOS ANGELES - Lisa Marie Presley clarified her remarks in an Australian TV interview, saying in a statement Wednesday that she never saw her ex-husband, Michael Jackson, engage in inappropriate behavior with kids.

Elvis Presley’s daughter, on a concert tour in Australia, said in an interview broadcast Monday that she saw things she “couldn’t do anything about” during her 1994-96 marriage to Jackson.

“I was in no way referring to seeing something inappropriate with children, as I have stated publicly before. I never have,” Presley said in a statement released by her Los Angeles publicist, Paul Bloch.

Without elaboration, Presley said during the talk show interview that she felt powerless during the marriage to Jackson, who is charged in Santa Barbara County with child molestation. The interview aired on Australian Broadcasting Corp.’s “Enough Rope.”

“Unfortunately, due to the recent media frenzy surrounding Michael Jackson, my comments during a recent TV interview in Australia regarding him were completely taken out of context and erroneously read into,” Presley said in the statement.

“In saying I saw things, I was specifically referring to things in that relationship with us that went on between us at the time as husband and wife,” she said.

Her interview comments led to widespread speculation about the 45-year-old pop star.

Presley said she felt “powerless in a lot of ways, in terms of ... realizing that I was part of a machine, and seeing things going on that I couldn’t do anything about,” she said. “And don’t ask me what sort of things, because I’m not going to answer. But just stuff.”

Jackson has pleaded innocent to seven counts of performing lewd or lascivious acts on a child under 14 and two counts of administering an intoxicating agent, reportedly wine. He is free on $3 million bail pending trial.

© 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
00giovedì 18 marzo 2004 09:58
Già va meglio...
Almeno ha chiarito la sua posizione, infatti mi sarebbe sembrato troppo strano da parte di Lisa arrivare a far intendere che Michael fosse pedofilo senza dirlo...
Io credo che al tempo si fossero sposati perchè innamorati, poi sono nati i problemi con la convivenza, cose che capitano...
00giovedì 18 marzo 2004 21:32
Re: Lisa Marie defends Jackson after TV interview

Scritto da: PYTHONJACKSON 17/03/2004 23.33

Singer's ex-wife says she never
saw inappropriate behavior with kids

The Associated Press
Updated: 12:11 p.m. ET March 17, 2004

LOS ANGELES - Lisa Marie Presley clarified her remarks in an Australian TV interview, saying in a statement Wednesday that she never saw her ex-husband, Michael Jackson, engage in inappropriate behavior with kids.

Elvis Presley’s daughter, on a concert tour in Australia, said in an interview broadcast Monday that she saw things she “couldn’t do anything about” during her 1994-96 marriage to Jackson.

“I was in no way referring to seeing something inappropriate with children, as I have stated publicly before. I never have,” Presley said in a statement released by her Los Angeles publicist, Paul Bloch.

Without elaboration, Presley said during the talk show interview that she felt powerless during the marriage to Jackson, who is charged in Santa Barbara County with child molestation. The interview aired on Australian Broadcasting Corp.’s “Enough Rope.”

“Unfortunately, due to the recent media frenzy surrounding Michael Jackson, my comments during a recent TV interview in Australia regarding him were completely taken out of context and erroneously read into,” Presley said in the statement.

“In saying I saw things, I was specifically referring to things in that relationship with us that went on between us at the time as husband and wife,” she said.

Her interview comments led to widespread speculation about the 45-year-old pop star.

Presley said she felt “powerless in a lot of ways, in terms of ... realizing that I was part of a machine, and seeing things going on that I couldn’t do anything about,” she said. “And don’t ask me what sort of things, because I’m not going to answer. But just stuff.”

Jackson has pleaded innocent to seven counts of performing lewd or lascivious acts on a child under 14 and two counts of administering an intoxicating agent, reportedly wine. He is free on $3 million bail pending trial.

© 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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