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00martedì 29 marzo 2005 22:49
dalla cnn

SANTA MARIA, California (CNN) -- A day after his defense suffered a serious setback in court, Michael Jackson waved to cheering fans as he arrived at his child molestation trial Tuesday morning.

Testimony resumed with the defense's cross-examination of a fingerprint analyst who earlier testified he found prints belonging to Jackson, the alleged victim and that boy's younger brother on sexually explicit magazines from the pop star's bedroom suite at Neverland Ranch.

Jackson, wearing a black jacket with a gold cross on the pocket, a gold vest and a red-and-gold armband, arrived at the Santa Maria courthouse with his parents.

in poche parole dice che oggi si continua il controinterrogatorio dell'esperto in impronte digitali
00martedì 29 marzo 2005 22:54

qui altre foto

inoltre sembra che oggi sia sul banco dei tstimoni anche masada, il padrone del locale dove venivano fatte le serate di beneficenza per gavin e famiglia, lo stesso che avrebbe aftto incontrare a gavin tutte le star, michael compreso
00mercoledì 30 marzo 2005 11:48
SANTA MARIA, California (CNN) -- The mother of Michael Jackson's accuser made a frantic phone call to the owner of a Los Angeles comedy club saying she and her children were being held against their will at the pop star's Neverland Ranch, the club owner testified Tuesday.

"She said, 'They hold me here with my kid against my will,'" said Laugh Factory owner Jamie Masada in testimony Tuesday at Jackson's child molestation trial.

An Israeli émigré who speaks in accented English, Masada said he and the mother discussed calling the police, but they did not.

Masada originally put Jackson in touch with the boy in 2000 when the child was suffering from cancer.

Masada testified the mother was crying during the call, which came after her son and Jackson appeared together in a controversial TV documentary in February 2003.

In their indictment against Jackson, prosecutors allege that he and five associates conspired to hold the family against their will.

The defense has repeatedly scoffed at the charge, noting that no one in the family tried to call police or get away during the time they were allegedly being held captive.

Masada also said he put the mother in touch with a lawyer to prevent the use of the boy's picture in the documentary by British journalist Martin Bashir.

Masada said the boy was being teased and called names at school because of his appearance in the program, which showed him holding hands with Jackson.

Masada testified he first met Jackson's accuser in the summer of 1999, when the boy, his brother and his sister attended a comedy camp for disadvantaged children at the Laugh Factory.

The next year, after the boy was diagnosed with cancer, Masada said he visited him in the hospital frequently and also began giving the family money.

Masada said he began encouraging the boy to eat, to regain his strength, even giving him $50 bills as a reward.

So when the boy saw Jackson on a TV in the hospital and told Masada that he would like to meet him, Masada said he told the boy, "OK, if you eat."

But because Masada had never met Jackson, he said he began calling "anybody I could" who might have a way to contact the pop star.

The next day, Jackson called the boy in the hospital, and he was "so impressed, so grateful to hear from Michael," Masada said.

In due parole Masada ha detto che ricevette una telefonata dalla madre di Gavin, questa piangendo disse che la constrigevano con la sua famiglia a rimanere lì contro la sua volontà.
00mercoledì 30 marzo 2005 16:11

Ok scusate, non sono riuscito a trattenermi... cancellate pure... [SM=x47926]
00mercoledì 30 marzo 2005 16:43
MA fino ad ora anke l'accusa diceva che nn kiamarono MAI.
Ora salta fuori ke è diventata un centralino: prima quell'attrice, ora Masada...
00mercoledì 30 marzo 2005 17:35

Scritto da: mikeWeLoVeYoU 30/03/2005 16.43
MA fino ad ora anke l'accusa diceva che nn kiamarono MAI.
Ora salta fuori ke è diventata un centralino: prima quell'attrice, ora Masada...

Si...ma perchè non la polizia? che c'entra questa gente?[SM=g27814]
00mercoledì 30 marzo 2005 18:17
Flight Attendant Comes to Jacko's Rescue

Cynthia Ann Bell, an utterly charming flight attendant for Xtra Jet, did a lot to save Michael Jackson's hide yesterday.

In front of the child-molestation trial jury, Bell recalled a flight she made with Jackson and 10 other people from Miami to Santa Barbara, Calif., on Feb. 7, 2003, by private plane.

At issue was the allegation that Jackson served liquor to a minor in a Diet Coke can.

Not only did Bell deny this allegation, she added some unknown details. She said that she "carded" the then-16-year-old sister of the accusing teenage boy in the Jackson case. Nevertheless, she served the girl liquor.

Bell also said that Jackson hated turbulence and was a "private drinker," preferring to hide his wine or vodka in a container or soda can. She conceded, however, that on this flight he did not ask for the concealment — she did it on her own.

She insisted that Jackson never shared his liquor with the accusing boy.

But Bell had harsh words for the boy, recalling that he started a food fight on the plane, complained that his chicken dinner was cold and was "unusually rude and discourteous."

"It was embarrassing to have him on board, actually," she added.

The stewardess also recalled that the accusing boy talked about "getting a watch from Michael" and boasted that "it was very expensive."

Bell, called as a prosecution witness, did more harm than good to District Attorney Tom Sneddon's case. The jury seemed captivated by her.

Bell's testimony continues today.

Praticamente questa Bell è una testimone dell'accusa, è un'assistente di volo. Ma il fatto è che ha detto che Gavin era insopportabile in aereo. Che MJ non le aveva chiesto di fare le lattine con il vino per quel famoso volo incriminato, ma che le ha riempite lei di sua spontanea volontà e che non ha mai visto MJ dare da bere a Gavin. [SM=g27811] la giornata si è quasi salvata...quasi...[SM=g27814]
00mercoledì 30 marzo 2005 18:18
BEne bene.
00mercoledì 30 marzo 2005 19:03
ci vogliono prove.....
voglio i tabulati della telefonata...

se no anke io ho kiamato sneddon dicendo k mj mi ha trattenuto in italia contro la mia volonta..

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