impressionante:da pasqal,un ragazzo accusa michael,ha prove quasi certe,ma poi viene smascherato

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00venerdì 6 febbraio 2004 00:14
posto cio che mi è arrivato dalla newsleeter di pasqual
non ho controllato ancora però la fonte delle news, quindi prendetela con le pinze

Diane Dimond investigating another alleged "victim"
Appeared to be a Professional LIAR
Hard Copy Reporter

"Now The plot to destroy Michael Jackson. Another young boy coming forward with allegations he was molested by the superstar. But when our Diane Dimond began to investigate, she uncovered a trail of lies. Diane."

Diane Dimond: "Terri, ever since the Michael Jackson child molestation scandal broke, we've gotten a constant stream of calls and letters from people making dubious claims about the singer. Frankly, we ignore most of them. But when I heard the facts of this story I just had to go to Canada and check it out myself."


Boy: "I would like to make a confession about what happened between me and Michael Jackson"

Diane Dimond [voiceover]: "He is only 15 years old so we can't show you his face or let you hear his real name. But the 11 minute home video he sent Hard Copy several weeks ago could have become Michael Jackson's worst nightmare. Looking straight into the camera, using no notes, this boy proceeded to tell us in graphic detail how he and another teen were allegedly molested by the superstar."

Boy: "He started just touching beneath our stomachs, he rub our stomachs and then, he'd get lower and then after [unintelligable] be like "what are you doing?" he said "It's OK, don't worry, boys are meant to be touched" ."

Diane Dimond [voiceover]: "But the boy wasn't acting on his own, he has help. A man who identified himself as John Templeton of ????, Canada. That's a suburb of Toronto. He sent us the boy's videotaped statement and even called several times to make sure we looked at it. Then, I got a call from the boy himself... Over the next few days I spoke with the boy for hours, and he never wavered - his story stayed consistent. The boy said he met Michael Jackson at a Canadian video arcade. He said he was supposed to spend the weekend with a friend, but when Jackson invited him to visit Neverland instead, off they flew in a private jet.

"This 15 year old described in detail the people in Jackson's entourage, the layout of the ranch, and even Jackson's family home at Encino. Later he would draw us incredibly detailed maps of both Jackson homes. It was clear, either the boy was telling the truth, or he had been well coached. To get to the bottom of it, I agreed to meet the boy and John Templeton in Toronto.

"The plan was to meet the pair in the lobby of an airport hotel, but when I arrived the only one to greet me was the young boy. He came with me into town and told me that he lived on the streets of Toronto, in a section called "Boy's Town" where street kids gather. He explained that his mother had kicked him out of the house and that John Templeton was just a man he met on the street."

Boy: "He had helped a few kids, he just talks to them and things like, sort of like a guidance counsellor, that's what he seemed like."

Diane Dimond [voiceover]: "The boy appeared to be on his own. There was no sign of John Templeton, and frankly that seemed suspicious. But over the next few days our Hard Copy team conducted hours of interviews with the boy. Standing by were police officials in both California and Toronto. They were waiting to conduct their own investigation of the boy's charges."

Man on phone: "Hi, my name's Frank Grimes, I work for the TV show Hard Copy."

Diane Dimond [voiceover]: "Producer Frank Grimes and I worked to check out countless pieces of information the boy gave us. While sources were able to confirm much of what he said, there were some troubling inconsistencies. Still, the boy stubbornly stuck by his story and he had an incredible knowledge of Michael Jackson's lifestyle."


Boy: "He showed me this place like a saddle shop, where he, he said he gets stuff for his animals there. I don't know what he got, but..."

Diane Dimond: "Saddle shop, I see that on the map here"

Boy: "Yeah"

Diane Dimond: "People are gonna think, that you're out for his money"

Boy: "I don't care what they say"

Diane Dimond: "They're gonna think you made it up"

Boy: "Yeah I know but I don't care about his money, he can keep it"

Diane Dimond: "You're telling the actual truth?"

Boy: "Yeah"


Frank Grimes: "He talked for hours, and he knew so much. So much in fact that we thought well, let's give him a test. You know, to see if we could trip him up."

Diane Dimond [voiceover]: "We showed the boy several photographs. Some of them were of Neverland employees, and he was able to identify each and every one of them"


Diane Dimond [voiceover]: "If this was a scam, this boy had really done his homework. He even went so far as to draw us a picture of what he said Michael Jackson looked like during the alleged molestation. Always he came back to his claim of molestation."


Diane Dimond: "But there was one thing I didn't tell the boy. I didn't tell him that for the last year I'd been getting Michael Jackson related letters from his same small suburb in Canada. The letters were supposedly from other young boys who also claimed that they had been molested by Jackson. Two of the letters even included pictures of the boys. Well someone was behind all this but still, there was no sign of the man who had sent us the original video statement of the boy. No sign of John Templeton."


Diane Dimond: "There's a Detective Campbell downtown, he doesn't know your name, doesn't know anything yet. But, he's waiting to see us. Wanna go?"

Boy: "Yeah"

Diane Dimond [voiceover]: "From the very beginning the boy never asked us for money, and he repeatedly said he didn't want any money from Michael Jackson either. So what was his motivation? Well, he said it was simple, he said he wanted justice, and now he was about to give a sworn statement to the police."


Diane Dimond: "I want your number one ????, you're gonna tell the truth"

Boy: "Alright"

Diane Dimond [voiceover]: "We delivered the boy to the Toronto Metro Police Headquarters where detectives from the sexual assault unit had been waiting for us."

Detective: "I understand you want to speak to me, and that's OK, we're going to go upstairs and talk to you"

Boy: "OKay"

Detective: "Okay?

Boy: "Yes"

Diane Dimond [voiceover]: "For 6 solid hours police questioned the boy. Took his sworn statement. He told them just what he'd told us, that superstar Michael Jackson had molested him."

Detective Darryl Campbell: "I found it fairly believable too."

Diane Dimond [voiceover]: "While the boy had talked with police, we continued our investigation. We had to find this John Templeton. So we drove out to the Toronto suburbs to check out the return address from the videotape he sent us. That's when we ran into somebody we knew."


Diane Dimond: "What the hell is going on?"

Man: "Okay Diane, let me explain something to you"

Diane Dimond [voiceover]: "Say hello to John Templeton, only his real name is Rodney Allen. We've known about Rodney for a long time. Right after the Michael Jackson scandal first broke, he was on the phone to us claiming that another Jackson family member had molested him years ago. Rodney has never offered any solid proof of this claim. He appeared to be a man bent on revenge, and Rodney admitted he was the one who had been writing me all those letters."


Diane Dimond: "I care about this one kid who gave me all sorts of information about Neverland, about Hayvenhurst, about Disneyland, about Michael Jackson's body. Where did he get all that information?"

Man: "He got it from me"

Diane Dimond: "You planted all this stuff in this kid's head?

Man: "I didn't plant it in his head. He was asking questions. I answered them the best I can. I told him what I could tell him about the place because I want Michael to face it."

Diane Dimond: "So this kid is a A1 number one liar."

Man: "Professional."

Diane Dimond [voiceover]: "The whole story was a scam. A Toronto street kid meets a man obsessed with the Michael Jackson case, and the result could have been an international scandal. Meanwhile, back at the police station, the boy finally broke down. He admitted that he and Rodney Allen had made up the whole story."

Diane Dimond: "The young boy was lying?"

Detective Darryl Campbell: "Erm, that's my belief, and as a result of that he was charged, yes."

Diane Dimond: "Can you tell us what he was charged with?"

Detective Darryl Campbell: "Public Mischief."


Diane Dimond: "Well the boy is still in custody tonight and police continue their investigation of Mr. Rodney Allen."

Thanks to Ellie from MJJForum (
And to Angie for telling me ;o)

praticamente si racconta come questa giornalista, diana (non è quella che ha sempre detto brtte cose contro mj) ha ricevuto uan vhs con un ragazzino di toronto che diceva di essere stato molestato da mj
dopo un po' di girni ha ricevuto una telefonata da un uomo, che confermava la cosa
dopo u po' di indagini hanno capito che il bambino era affidabile
sono andati ad incontrarlo
questo ragazzino ha parlato per ore, ropetendo che mj lo aveva molestato, ha destritto per filo e per segno neverland, descritoo gli impiegati, sembrava attendibilissimo

lo hanno accompagnato alla polizia, dove ha formalmente sposto denuncia contro mj

ma subito dopo si e' scoperto che il bambino mentiva, era stato preparato da un uomo, che nel 93 attacco michael... è uno ossessionato dalal famiglia jackson e voleva vendicarsi complicandogli ancora la vita


[Modificato da mjfan80 06/02/2004 0.25]

Checco Jackson 87
00venerdì 6 febbraio 2004 00:25

Scritto da: mjfan80 06/02/2004 0.14
posto cio che mi è arrivato da mjj forum
non ho controllato ancora però la fonte delle news, quindi prendetela con le pinze
praticamente si racconta come questa giornalista, diana (non è quella che ha sempre detto brtte cose contro mj) ha ricevuto uan vhs con un ragazzino di toronto che diceva di essere stato molestato da mj
dopo un po' di girni ha ricevuto una telefonata da un uomo, che confermava la cosa
dopo u po' di indagini hanno capito che il bambino era affidabile
sono andati ad incontrarlo
questo ragazzino ha parlato per ore, ropetendo che mj lo aveva molestato, ha destritto per filo e per segno neverland, descritoo gli impiegati, sembrava attendibilissimo

lo hanno accompagnato alla polizia, dove ha formalmente sposto denuncia contro mj

ma subito dopo si e' scoperto che il bambino mentiva, era stato preparato da un uomo, che nel 93 attacco michael... è uno ossessionato dalal famiglia jackson e voleva vendicarsi complicandogli ancora la vita


spero sia vera questa news!
che bas...pero'!
00venerdì 6 febbraio 2004 00:34
aiuto xfortuna ke l'hanno sgamato[SM=x47939]

00venerdì 6 febbraio 2004 00:49
ma porca miseria
scommetto che nessuno gli ha dato due belle pizze in faccia a quel deficiente di ragazzino ovviamente! e due bei calci in cxxx al pazzo! [SM=g27826] KE SKIFO![SM=g27812]
00venerdì 6 febbraio 2004 00:53
Re: ma porca miseria

Scritto da: dangerousbadgirl 06/02/2004 0.49
scommetto che nessuno gli ha dato due belle pizze in faccia a quel deficiente di ragazzino ovviamente! e due bei calci in cxxx al pazzo! [SM=g27826] KE SKIFO![SM=g27812]

se non ho capito male si dice che poi la polizia ha denunciato il ragazzino per fasa testimonianza

[Modificato da mjfan80 06/02/2004 0.54]

00venerdì 6 febbraio 2004 00:54
sì, l'avevo letta sul forum americano.
mi domando se possa creare un precedente! Mah
00venerdì 6 febbraio 2004 00:56

Scritto da: enrico75 06/02/2004 0.54
sì, l'avevo letta sul forum americano.
mi domando se possa creare un precedente! Mah

da un punto di vista legale no credo
da u punto di vista dell'opinione pubblica spero e credo di sì
00venerdì 6 febbraio 2004 01:25
:sparo: :sparo: se è vera sta news:[SM=x47952] [SM=x47952] [SM=x47952] ma ce ne sono di matti in giro eh?Mo ci mancava vi rendete conto come riescono a costruire le storie sti squilibrati....?cmq va punito sto pazzo!!!![SM=x47936] [SM=x47936] [SM=x47936] :sparo:
00venerdì 6 febbraio 2004 09:00
Scusate eh !
Di fronte a cose simili, non è possibile che la gente apra gli occhi e si renda finalmente conto che tutta sta storia delle accuse è una bufala enorme ?
Sopratutto mi chiedo, ma è possibile che a nessuno adesso, venga in mente di verificare l'attendibilità effettiva di questa "donna" che accusa Michael ? [SM=x47924]
Sta storia più passa il tempo più mi sembra strana e assurda... Bah...speriamo bene...[SM=x47951]
00venerdì 6 febbraio 2004 09:32
ma il punto è questo!inventarsi bufale come queste ai danni di michael è facilissimo!le notizie si posso reperire da internet...nn ci vuole un gran che!sta di fatto ke esistono i pazzi, gli esaltati ecc ecc...cercano il pretesto per lucro, vendetta personale quello ke è!oggi come oggi michael rappresenta la figura più fragile ke ci possa essere dati i precedenti e la sua situazione attuale!
00venerdì 6 febbraio 2004 10:21
Re: Re: ma porca miseria

Scritto da: mjfan80 06/02/2004 0.53

se non ho capito male si dice che poi la polizia ha denunciato il ragazzino per fasa testimonianza

[Modificato da mjfan80 06/02/2004 0.54]

Ma una simile denuncia ha qualke validità su un minore?[SM=g27833]
Cioè, non ha giurato in tribunale....
00venerdì 6 febbraio 2004 11:12
Re: Re: Re: ma porca miseria

Scritto da: Live-and-Dangerous 06/02/2004 10.21

Ma una simile denuncia ha qualke validità su un minore?[SM=g27833]
Cioè, non ha giurato in tribunale....

prima ho scritto per falsa tastimonianza
non è così, non ho specificato... non so come si traduca in italiano... ma avendo più di 13 anni è perseguibile....

non so come si chiami il reato, ma se io vado alla polizia e dico che mi hanno derubato e non è vero, sono denunciabile! questo è il caso... meno grave della falsa testimonianza in tribunale, ma cmq un reato

00venerdì 6 febbraio 2004 12:13
ovviamente questa notizia apparirà su tutti i giornali!!!!!!!!!!:vero: :vero:..
Cmq io non so come faccia mike a sopportatre tutta questa merda[SM=x47922] [SM=x47922] .......
00venerdì 6 febbraio 2004 12:55
che rompi...... :sparo:
00venerdì 6 febbraio 2004 14:13
Re: Re: ma porca miseria

Scritto da: mjfan80 06/02/2004 0.53

se non ho capito male si dice che poi la polizia ha denunciato il ragazzino per fasa testimonianza

[Modificato da mjfan80 06/02/2004 0.54]

e sai cosa riskia? una bella lavata di capo e se ne torna a casa! a FRUSTRATE va preso quello lì!
00venerdì 6 febbraio 2004 15:14
am be..
se la notizia fosse stata contro mike tipo "un altra testimonianza contro michael jackson" sarebbe comparsa su mediavideo e ci sarebbe restata una settimana, ora che viene smascherata una falsa testimonianza tutti zitti zitti... a frusate sono da prendere sia loro, che il ragazzino! mi domando se non gli sia stato offerto un pacco di soldi per fare questo... [SM=g27818]
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