Janet JAckson on Larry King, parla di mj

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00venerdì 29 febbraio 2008 18:50

Interview with Janet Jackson
Aired February 28, 2008 - 21:00 ET

KING: So you never felt like I wish more were on me?

JACKSON: Oh, no. I was very shy. Well, most -- -- everyone in my family was very shy, especially when were younger. But no, no, never that.

KING: And most of the family still is shy.

JACKSON: We are? I don't think I am.

KING: No, you're not. Michael is.

KING: When you got into show business -- how old were you when you stepped on a stage?

JACKSON: I was seven, seven-years-old.

KING: Looking back, good or bad?

JACKSON: It was great for me, but I don't know if I would take the same route for my children.

KING: Because?

JACKSON: I could see where it could be very difficult. It would have to be something that they truly really want to do. You don't get much of a childhood -- even though I got more than my other brothers and sisters. I did spend time in a regular school with friends, but I also worked a great deal, as well.

So I could see where it is very tough. I know where it is very tough and missing out on your childhood. And I think that's why I still have so much kid in me, which I don't ever want to lose.

KING: Michael has said he didn't have a childhood.

JACKSON: Yes, for sure.

KING: Would you like to tour as a family again?

JACKSON: I would love to. I get my brothers on the phone all the time. I'm the biggest fan of the Jacksons, the Jackson Five. I have conference calls all the time pushing them to do a huge tour. I tell them if they did, I would love to open for them.

KING: You would be the opening act? JACKSON: I have never opened for anyone. I never opened -- my very first tour I was the headline. It was a nation tour. I never opened for anyone. It would be an honor.

KING: What do they say?

JACKSON: They would love to, but one of them is on the fence. You have to respect that. He's worked very hard --

KING: Is that Michael?

JACKSON: -- at his solo career. I don't know. Maybe he'll come around. Still kind of working on him.

KING: What do you make of the anniversary of Thriller?

JACKSON: It's huge. It's big, number one everywhere. Good for him. Twenty five years, how fast did that go by?

KING: When that came out, when it was recorded, did you think it would be what it became?

JACKSON: I knew I loved it. I knew that I loved it. As a matter of fact, he played, as he always did when we were very close growing up, and every time he would complete a project, he would play the entire album. He had a great sound system in his car. We would sit in the car and we would listen to the album from front to back. I loved every song I heard.

KING: A number of years ago, you and Michael did a musical video together called Scream. Let's take a look.




KING: What was it like working with him?

JACKSON: We had fun. That was our first time ever working together since we were kids, and he had asked me when I had done the Rhythm Nation album to do a song with him, but I wouldn't.

KING: Why not?

JACKSON: I hadn't felt like I came into my own yet. I didn't want anyone to think I was riding his coat tails. So then I did the Janet album and I was on tour and I got a call, dunk -- That's my nickname from my family, one of my nicknames. Dunk, let's do something together. I said all right. This time, I feel I'm ready.


JACKSON: I just want to say one thing seriously. I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you, and how much you've inspired me, and how proud I am to be your sister, and how much I love you. I do.

da mmjcommunity.

Non dice nulla di nuovo, Larry come sempre è molto gentile e si vede che conosce bene Michael, infatti quando lei dice che non è per nulla timida lui dice che però Michael è molto timido.
Janet dice solo che MJ NON VUOLE TORNARE SUL PALCO COI FRATELLI, ma che lei lo vorrebbe, e ci stanno lavorando sopra per convincerlo (oh gesù no!).
Dice che adora Thriller, e che Michael appena finito un album, lo metteva sull'impianto stereo della sua auto e lo faceva ascoltare a Janet.
Larry le chiede come è stato lavorare con MJ per Scream, ovviamente lei dice che è stato divertente.
Finisce rivolgendosi a Michael dicendo che è la sua ispirazione, che è fiera di essere sua sorella e che gli vuole tanto bene.
00venerdì 29 febbraio 2008 19:00
uffa ma nn lo potevo sapere prima che me lo vedevooooooo
00venerdì 29 febbraio 2008 19:05
Non capisco perchè devono convincerlo a tornare sul palco con loro,anche contro la sua volontà [SM=x47926] !Grazie per la notizia e la traduzione [SM=x47981]
00venerdì 29 febbraio 2008 19:32
"DaViDeLeEJaCkSoN", 29/02/2008 19.05:

Non capisco perchè devono convincerlo a tornare sul palco con loro,anche contro la sua volontà [SM=x47926] !Grazie per la notizia e la traduzione [SM=x47981]

ma sì! convincerlo non vuol dire obbligarlo! ci provano, se va bene "evviva il ritorno dei Jacksons" e se non ci riescono fratelli come prima!
00venerdì 29 febbraio 2008 20:20
Non capisco perchè convircerlo a fare una cosa che ha mollato anni fa, ormai è Michael Jackson e fino alla fine deve restare un solista, anche perchè il gruppo vive solo se c'è lui, quindi tanto vale rimanere l'uniko protagonista.
00venerdì 29 febbraio 2008 20:34
maledizione a questo voler ritornare insieme [SM=x47926]
la finissero! [SM=x47926]
00venerdì 29 febbraio 2008 20:43
michaelalexjackson1, 29/02/2008 20.20:

Non capisco perchè convircerlo a fare una cosa che ha mollato anni fa, ormai è Michael Jackson e fino alla fine deve restare un solista, anche perchè il gruppo vive solo se c'è lui, quindi tanto vale rimanere l'uniko protagonista.

ti quoto perfettamente!! [SM=g27811]

00sabato 1 marzo 2008 19:38
Grazie Sery

00domenica 2 marzo 2008 13:10
solite cose
00domenica 2 marzo 2008 20:17
grazie della notizia.....però basta con questi fratelli, Michael se mai tornasse sul palco deve farlo da solo.... [SM=x47959]
00lunedì 3 marzo 2008 11:55
00venerdì 7 marzo 2008 00:19
a me non dispiace l idea dei fratelli....ma non sarebbe certo più la stessa cosa!!!!!!!poi dai se non vuole...ognuno è libero di prendere le decisioni che vuole!!!!!comunque sia janet è moooooollllllttttttttoooooo più simpatica di la toya....
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